PrivacyRules DPO vs EU representative

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PrivacyRules launch its second webinar episode to tackle some data privacy questions, such as: According to the GDPR, when do I need a DPO? When do I need an EU Representative?  What is the difference between them?

We’ve gathered two of our best and brightest GDPR experts Markus MyhrbergStefanos Tsimikalis, and our US data privacy expert Michael Nitardy to break down and demystify these questions from the point of view of non-EU businesses.

To have a broader overview of the topic, please find attached the slides prepared for you by our members:

Markus Myhrberg, from Lexia, Finland: GDPR, EU Representative and Data Protection Officer

Stefanos Tsimikalis, from Tsimikalis Kalonaru, Greece: The Data Protection Officer

