Navigating Brazil’s New DPO Guidelines

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In our latest PrivacyRules PrivacyEspresso episode, we dive into recent regulatory news from Brazil. Joined by Luiza Sato, partner at TozziniFreire, PrivacyRules Brazilian law firm member, we focus on significant developments in Brazil’s data protection landscape, which are poised to impact both local and international businesses.

Key highlights:

– Global impact: The Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) doesn’t just apply to local companies. Any company processing data in Brazil, offering goods or services to individuals located in Brazil, or handling data collected within Brazilian territory must comply.

– New DPO requirements: The Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) has introduced critical updates for Data Protection Officers (DPOs). These include mandatory formal documentation, the need to publish a designated natural person’s name for DPO activities, and the requirement for DPOs to communicate in Portuguese.

– International challenges: The new guidelines present significant challenges, particularly for international companies. Luiza shared insights into how foreign companies can navigate these challenges, including practical solutions for meeting the Portuguese language requirement.

Act now: The resolution is already in full effect, and non-compliance could lead to penalties. Companies operating in or targeting the Brazilian market should take immediate steps to align with these regulations.

For more details and expert guidance, feel free to reach out to Luiza Sato and her team at TozziniFreire or connect with us at PrivacyRules for support.

Tune in to the full episode to stay ahead on these crucial updates!

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